Our Travel Mate!

Our Travel Mate!

Sunday, January 21, 2007


We've made it, and trying to read the web pages in spanish is hard! Might as well get used to it. This entry is going to be short, 12 minutes of battery life and a lot to do! It's Sunday and we've got a room for a month while we look for a place. We are meeting Adriana today and hope to be working this week. The weather is beautiful. Much more to come. Maybe tonight we can tell you about the trip, the crappy houston airport and our searches at DIA!!


lchavez said...

Glad you made it! Let us know how the job hunt goes :-)
Searches at DIA??? Why?
I am off to Chicago for the week tomorrow then only three more weeks until our cruise - i can't wait, I need a VACATION!

please take care and keep in touch.

lchavez said...

PS: It is SNOWING again - over 7 inches so far. I am SO over the snow...... LOL
the beach sounds nice.