Our Travel Mate!

Our Travel Mate!

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Family Feud

Sunday morning we awoke with the feeling that we were about to walk into an ambush.

Mitch's birthday was on the 7th and the family was gathering for his birthday dinner/going away party. We new it would not be a pleasant day.
Well....all hell broke loose....Mom cried, we almost left, the sisters were angry, Dad pretended nothing was happening, and the children were quite confused.
It boiled down to much miss-communication, their fears and worries about our safety and happiness, and not understanding why we are so free.
After the blow-up, we all handled it in typical Collins fashion. We pretended that nothing happened, ate dinner, blew out the birthday candles and went on our ways....Reality TV at its finest.

All was resolved the next day, and we now have their love and support for our Vida Loca.

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